Stories of Peace writen by Madania's Students
We just expressing the ideas about peace!
Under Recovery

Illustration Story by Japanese Group Complete picture click picture illustration
My experience about Peace
One day I played soccer, we were a goal because PK (Penalty Kick). My friend was angry to one another. I said be friends be peace to each other don't fight because it is not nice. They got angry at me, but I said do not be angry think because if you fight some one and call his father and it make something bad. Even form a lttle fight can make war and they do what I said, they become good friend
Second Story to Finland
In the world we tryed to get peace .... Apeace is like a dream .... But is it will be come true or not? I'll say not because world just have a harshness. Its like a war People just think, like just a game. No peace no war just happy .... They don't think like me and other people. I just think happy and peace, like poor people They don't have money but they have peace in there hearts .... Like me and other people ....

Third Story to Malaysia
My dream
If I dream about peace, I mean world peace. I think this world must be peace, no jealosy, no war to another country... How can we takes peace? How we live without peace? Now everybody... Please make it!
Fourth Story to Philipines
At the time in the Basket Ball court I stayed. Than I was looking 2 mens is fighting. They were punching and kicking. When I saw them, my feeling said this is will be a bloody fighting. Then I when to my house to call my friend to make a peace between them. But when I came, they were already said sorry. I am so happy and go home again.