Fifth Story to Singapore
PEACE AT BASKET BALL COURT At the time in the Basket Ball court I stayed. Than I was looking 2 mens is fighting. They were punching and kicking. When I saw them, my feeling said this is will be a bloody fighting. Then I when to my house to call my friend to make a peace between them. But when I came, they were already said sorry. I am so happy and go home again.
Sixth Story to Sweden
Can We Steal? Some months ago, two electrician came to my neighbor's house. One of them ask my neighbour about electric equipment like television, radio, and telephone. The other one get into the house. After that, he stole my neighbor handphone. My neighbor didn't know if one of the electrician got into the house and her handphone was stolen. The two electrician left the house. After my neighbor got into the house, she realize that her handphone was stolen. After she knew she wanted to chase the two electricians, but they already ran far away. My neighbor surrendered about the chasing and she would be more careful. Moral: We can't steal, because stealing harms other people and does not make peace and we must be more careful.